Our Values

  • Integrity & Credibility
    • Integrity + Credibility

      We say and do what we mean.
      We are transparent and do not hedge the truth. 
      We respect each other and support each other in good and touch times.

  • Take Ownership
    • Take Ownership

      No matter the size of the issue, you can help the Club and our members. There is no “they” or “them”…only US.  
      When the Club succeeds, we all succeed.
      In times of struggle, we sacrifice to overcome it.

  • Be the Customer
    • Be the Customer

      Act every day as though you are on the other side of the interaction with our member/guest.
      When things miss the mark, it is your response that makes the difference.

  • We are Trusted & are Inclusive
    • We are Trusted and Inclusive

      Set each day with a positive intention to help someone within the company.We cherish our interactions with our youth members and are trusted to make their experiences memorable.All voices are heard and welcomed.